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Yahoo Store Editor Jump Links

I needed to find a way to create Jump Links to avoid creating tons of section pages to navigate. I think this solution will hopefully make my site more visitor friendly. This is just a solution I came up with during one of my crash courses of css nd html to figure this out. There could be a better solution (please share!!!) But this is how I did it.


Problem to solveNeed to divide parts of above page by 2.5L and 3.5L options


1.) Use 'LINK' to create 'ID Attributes'

I did it like this (which turned into just headings instead of actual links exactly what was needed)

Name =
<a id="2017camry25"><p align=center><span style="color:black;font-weight: bold;">2017 Toyota Camry 2.5L</span></p></a>

Url=(maybe doesn't even matter)

After this type of LINK is created it can only be moved around with the 'Contents' field of the page it was created on. So I made note of the 'ID' that store editor made for this link which is 'aidalstbotoc'

I repeated for the 3.5L option I needed

Name =
<a id="2017camry35"><p align=center><span style="color:black;font-weight: bold;">2017 Toyota Camry 3.5L</span></p></a>

URL= (again probably not needed)

Update and make note of ID created palstbotoca2 (Which can be found by selecting edit from the page you create the 'LINK' it will be the last ID in the contents section if you have multiple contents. Making note of these is important since moving these ID Links can only be done in the contents section -- It does not work moving these with the 'MOVE' tool)

2.) USE 'LINK' to create Links to 'jump' to your newly created 'ID' Placeholders

I did this (The 2 Links at the top of the page)

Name =
2017 Toyota Camry 2.5L URL = (NOW THIS IS A MUST AND INCLUDES THE ID ATTRIBUTE) https://www.maniacelectricmotors.com/2017-toyota-camry-alternator-starter-kit-repair-option.html#2017camry25

Name =
2017 Toyota Camry 3.5L URL =

Now I moved these to the top of the page. These type of links can be moved with the 'MOVE' button

These 2 links will now jump the visitor to the 'ID Placeholder Links (not links)'