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8/5/2014 edward hogan
I am an 84 year old born and bred Texan. Texas has always been a special place, even for flakes and weirdos. We respect every mans right to speak his mind and his beliefs. Do not assume that a vocal but small group of right or left wingers represent the thinking of the majority of fair minded Texans. We will oppose any group who tries to force a minority political or religious philosophy on us as future state and national elections will demonstrate.

5/20/2014 April
When I got married at age 19 my older sister gave me a "Get Well" card. I'm 58 now, have had 2 divorces. I still laugh about that card from my sister.

2/23/14 Dopple Gang
Unless an unwavering commitment to liberty is reinvigorated, democratic processes are at risk of being hijacked by a combination of those under the spells of collectivist illusions and those bribed by the spoils of plunder.

5/10/13 1943mrmojorisin1971
Am I the only one that feels bad for umps like this and Angel Hernandez? They spend countless hours botching calls and blowing games, only to have Jeff Loria come along and so effortlessly bone the entire city of Miami. As long as he’s around none of these umps will ever be able to win the title of “Worst Person in Baseball” that so many of them seem to covet.

2/21/2013 engineer357
"...the free market is the only ethical, moral, and just economic system known to man. government interference is what causes the in equalities and immorality of a free market. the free market offers the maximum benifit to all persons of a society. if you think that humans are incapable of benevolence, then assume the same people of that society if in government possitions are capable of benevolence? This is one of the problems with our society, too many people think the government is benevolent, but the government is incapable of benevolence because the government doesn't produce or create anything therefore they have nothing to give that they didn't steal from someone else. Also, this government promises things that they can't deliver anyway....40% of every dollar is debt, so honestly we shouldn't even have what we have, AND soon we won't have it and we will be worse off for being so arrogant or ignorant to think that we were capable of accomplishing such market defying feat of "something for nothing". the only people that can accomplish such tasks of something for nothing are the people who steal it from other's in society with the immunity of the law, and that sir, that is the problem. as Ludwig Von Mises said about the Kings of Industry in a free market, "This "king" must stay in the good graces of his subjects, the consumers; he loses his "kingdom" as soon as he is no longer in a position to give his customers better service and provide it at lower cost than others with whom he must compete." "

It is amazing that people who think we cannot afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, and medication somehow think that we can afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, medication and a government bureaucracy to administer it. -Thomas Sowell

10/24/2012 Paul B about the sad shark attack
you don't play dead for a bear. black bears you are suppose to fight back, and browns also griz you are suppose to try to back up will keeping an eye on the bear. if you can't tell what type of bear it is climb a tree, if the bear come up after you and eats you it is a black bear, if it knocks the tree down then eats you it's a brown.

Added to an article discussion 10/9/2012
well done Embalminator
"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another,...

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness...."

When you have a congress with a 10% approval rating your Government has lost the consent of the governed. Our lawmakers have exchanged legislative favors for money. Laws have been passed allowing unimaginable amounts of corporate, union and special interest money into our election system that the corruption is unprecedented and the gerrymandering all but ensures that incumbents stay in office. Financial institutions have been largely deregulated and the wealth of our country has been pilfered. Health care and the Insurance industries have purchased monopolistic protections, which will singularly bankrupt our nation, The Federal Reserve has debased our currency and all of our elected officials have consistently LIED to us.

You can continue to consent to be governed by these lawmakers who have allowed the financial raping our nation and the striping of wealth and assets of our citizens and the removal of so many of our fought for civil liberties (as this article references, the 4th amendment). I for one refuse to believe either party will act in the interest of their constituents and will continue the reckless path we are on. They only answer to their handlers. This election is about so much more than the Office of the President,...remember Congress makes the laws after all. Obama, Romney, Johnson, Red, Blue, Left, Right, Democratic, Republican,...they are different heads on the same evil snake, owned by the same money masters.....as George Carlin says, it's a big club...and we aint in it.

“I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.” -Thomas Jefferson

Thanks for this one Jeff
I want to chop off my right hand because that's the one that keeps clicking these articles.

Seen After a 2012 Olympic Article 8/04/2012
"The color of her skin looks red, white and blue to me."

EBG 8/03/2012
Being truly fiscally conservative means you take all big government politicians to task for jacking up the deficit. This includes Bush and Obama, so stop arguing along party lines and vote the big gov. politicians out!

Rick McCreight · South Plains College
It's reckoning day!!! Every American in my circle of friends is DEAD SICK of the government! They have run our country off of a cliff with crony-capitalism, using our hard-earned tax money to make back room deals, becoming millionaires by inside trades with privy knowledge, and attacking our blood-bought freedoms and rights with ridiculous regulations, restrictions, and judicial activism and get away with it by fooling the ignorant by endorsing fringe social agendas!!!