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Drive Kit for Briggs and Stratton

Drive Kit for Briggs and Stratton ref# 391461  - 61066307
Item #:61066307
Your Price:$18.79

Product Description
Drive Pinion Kit
Rotation: CCW
ID: 9.7mm
Number of Teeth: 16
Gear OD: 40.8mm
Length: 35.3mm
Drive Type: Roller

Unit #s

192402, 192412, 192417, 192432, 195707, 196402, 196412, 196417, 196427, 196432 8 h 196436, 196437, 196707, 197402, 197412, 197415, 197417, 19E412 10 h 221437, 243431 10 h 243432 13 h 243434 10 h 243436 10 h 243437 10 h 255707, 284702, 284777, 286702, 289702 12.5 h 303437, 303440, 303445, 303446, 303447, 303707, 303772, 303775, 303776, 303777 16 h, 326431, 326437, 350442, 350447 18 h, 350772, 350776, 350777 18 h, 351442, 351447, 351777, 380777, 402437, 404577, 405777 16 h ,406577 20 h,406677 21 h, 406777 20 h, 407577 22 h, 407677 20 h, 407777 22 h, 40G777 20 h, 40H777 22 h, 40R877, 422432, 422435, 422442, 422445, 422707, 422777, 42A707 18.5 h, 42A777, 42B707, 42D707, 42D777, 42E707, 42E777,441577 20 h,441677 21 h,441777 22 h, 445577 23 h, 445677 22 h, 445777 26 h, 445877 26 h, 446677 26 h, 446777 26 h, 446877 22 h, 44H777, 44K777 22 h, 44L777, 44M777 26 h, 44N777, 44P777 26 h, 44R877 , 44S877, 44S977, 460777, 461707 20.5 h, 49G575, 49M777 28 h, Craftsman 917.275671 Other: 5742, 5745, 5746